LocalVR’s No-Worry Guide to Vacation Rental Maintenance & Repairs


A Short Guide to Maintaining and Repairing your STR

Many aspects of working in the vacation rental industry can be trying, but none are more frustrating than keeping up with the continual demands of maintaining, repairing, and renovating your property. With so many guests coming in and out, you’re bound to have some wear and tear damage, along with other accidental damage that happens when you run a high-traffic hospitality business.

Fortunately, LocalVR has perfected a system for ensuring that maintenance and repairs don’t bog our homeowners down while still maintaining the property and keeping it in tiptop condition. Read on for our tips on how to make repairs, renovations, and maintenance a breeze. 

LocalVR’s Tips for Vacation Rental Maintenance 

Schedule Routine Inspections and Maintenance to Catch Problems Early

When it comes to maintaining a property, catching issues early is of the utmost importance. If not, you risk letting problems balloon completely out of proportion, leading to situations that call for evacuation like a burst water pipe or a fried electrical system.

One of the ways that LocalVR aims to avoid these situations entirely is by scheduling regular inspections and maintenance on our homeowner’s properties. This helps to ensure that all problems are caught before they explode out of control and wreak havoc on a guest’s stay. These inspections are also great for identifying damages caused by guests, which can come in handy if you find yourself dealing with a difficult guest, or those that have been caused by weather for insurance purposes.  

Know Your Property Inside and Out 

Maintaining a property when you’re not located in the area can be a difficult endeavor. Contracting and coordinating lawn services, trash removal, and other regular maintenance is tough enough already when you’re nearby, so it’s essential to know your property inside and out in order to address its needs. Spend some time there each and every year and conduct your own inspections if possible in order to learn all of the common issues that might arise.

With LocalVR’s property management services, however, you won’t have to worry about a thing–our experts will get to know your property like the back of their hands and be able to identify problems well in advance. Because we aim to take care of your home like you would, we utilize technology-assisted inspections to ensure that maintenance concerns are addressed before they become larger problems that cost more money to fix.

Keep Wear and Tear in Mind

Accidental damages or those that happen due to weather or other uncontrollable factors tend to get all the attention when it comes to maintenance, but wear and tear is a concern that vacation rental homeowners always need to keep in mind. Pay close attention to high-traffic areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms when conducting inspections–the viability of the plumbing especially is of high importance and can be easily overlooked or ignored if there are no pressing issues.

Paying attention to the wear and tear that can cause the devaluation of your property is a vital component of LocalVR’s property management services. With our regular inspections and expert inspectors, there’s no maintenance concern that is overlooked or ignored, especially those that can cause problems in the long run. 

How to Ensure Renovations and Repairs Go Smoothly 

Research Contractors Deeply Before Taking the Next Steps

Anyone who has ever contracted workers to repair or renovate their homes knows that it can be hard to find someone who will treat your property right.

In order to avoid any issues with contractors or repairmen, it’s a good idea to take a look into who you’re hiring before starting any work. Deeply researching reviews and other information about those who will be looking after your property is the least you can do. This will help you to ensure that the work done is of high-quality and you’re not getting scammed in the process. 

Invest in Quality Materials To Go the Extra Mile

Picking out good materials is not the easiest of tasks, especially if you have a budget to stick to when you’re renovating or repairing your vacation rental. But because short-term rentals deal with such high traffic, you can’t go wrong with investing in higher-quality materials that will be able to outstand and outlast the traffic.

Renovations and repairs are supposed to ensure that whatever broke won’t become a problem again, and one way to do that is to pick out materials that can go that extra mile for your guests.


Keep Your Vacation Rental Property in Good Shape with LocalVR

The reason that many vacation rental homeowners fail to address maintenance and repairs is because it’s hard to stay ahead–but with a vacation rental property management company like LocalVR at your service, you won’t have to lift a finger to ensure that your property stays in tiptop condition. To learn more about LocalVR can upkeep your property while increasing your profits, send us a message


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