Is LocalVR the Right Property Manager for You?


The Importance of Researching Your Property Management Options

Hiring a property management company for your vacation rental is a big step, and choosing the right one is not an easy task. With so many different options available out there, how do you know if the one you’ve landed on is right for your business? That’s why it’s so important to do your research–promises and reassurances are all well and good, but if the property manager doesn’t have a handle on the execution, you may be left high and dry.

Here at LocalVR, we know the value of accurate and truthful information. That’s why today, we’re diving into some information that will help you to decide whether LocalVR is the right full-service property manager for you. 

Unleash the Power of Dynamic Pricing

Good service in the short-term rental industry is nothing without revenue backing it up, and that’s why one of the fundamental tenets of LocalVR’s strategy is dynamic pricing and data-informed pricing strategies. Using a proprietary pricing algorithm coupled with the knowledge of revenue experts, we are able to raise occupancy rates while still making you the revenue that you deserve.

You might be familiar with dynamic pricing from places like the airline or concert industries, where pricing variations are a real-time response to many factors, such as supply, demand, or time of day. LocalVR utilizes these same strategies to get the best price for your vacation rental, no matter what season or date, and our revenue experts are constantly analyzing the data to improve the algorithm’s accuracy. Not only that, but our revenue experts ensure they stay up to date with industry trends and news to keep our owners informed of any changes in headwinds in the industry as well.

If pricing is an important factor when it comes to choosing the right property manager for you, you can’t go wrong with LocalVR’s pricing expertise. 

Bust Your Wear and Tear Worries 

Another factor that short-term rental owners should consider when looking for the perfect property management company is property upkeep. After all, what’s the point of reeling in the revenue if you’ll have to spend most of it renovating and restoring the property when it comes time to sell? If wear and tear is not a concern to your current property management service, it’s time to look for another option that will care for your home the way that it deserves.

In order to ensure that our owners don’t experience excessive wear and tear, LocalVR employs a few strategies. The first is technology-assisted post-checkout inspections, where software is used to ensure that every maintenance issue is identified and taken care of immediately, before it can cause excessive damage or expenses to your property. The second is implementing a thorough multi-step guest vetting process to identify scammers and bad guests before they ever set foot in your vacation rental. This helps to eliminate the possibility of a destructive party or event happening on your property, and it also helps in weeding out those who would cause problems or leave bad reviews for no reason at all.

Wear and tear should be taken seriously, and if that’s a factor that’s on your mind when choosing a property manager, LocalVR is the perfect company for you.  

Impeccable Guest and Owner Communication: The Cornerstone of LocalVR’s Strategy 

Sometimes, it can be anxiety-inducing to hand over the reins of your business to a property manager–what if they don’t treat the guests with the respect they deserve? Thankfully, with LocalVR, you’ll never have to worry about guest communication: our experts are highly-trained to provide the best service possible and always treat your guests with the utmost respect. Handling guest communication is a delicate process, but with our experts at your side, you’ll feel confident that your rental is being taken care of the way you want it to be.

In the same vein, owner communication is one of the most important aspects of LocalVR’s property management services. Each owner at LocalVR is assigned a dedicated account manager to handle any and all issues that might arise for the owner, and they are always just a phone call or email away, day or night. In addition, scheduling owner stays, maintenance requests, and other appointments is easier than ever with us–just hop onto your Owner’s Portal and pick a time and date, with no hassle at all.

When it comes to communication with LocalVR, you won’t ever have to worry about how your guests are being treated or whether or not you’ll be informed of what’s going on on your property. If you’re hoping for a property management company that treats you like it cares, LocalVR is the best choice.


Learn More About LocalVR and How to Be an Expert STR Owner

For those who are tired of self-managing or being just another faceless owner to a big-name company, LocalVR offers another option. Instead of being ignored or overworked, put your property into our hands. In return, we’ll treat it like our own and put everything we can into making your short-term rental business a success.

Do you feel like LocalVR would be a good fit for you? Click here to learn more about LocalVR’s property management services.


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