7 Unique Vacation Rental Amenities


Unique Amenities for Short Term Rentals

When it comes to improving your vacation rental experience for guests, amenities are one of the easiest changes you can make to your property. Some owners might steer away from enhancing their amenity offering to guests because they’re afraid it might cost them a ton of extra money, hassle, and time, but with the right amenities, your rental will have a huge leg up on the competition.

In this blog, we’ve created a great guide to 7 unique vacation rental amenities that will thrill your guests without requiring huge changes to your property.

#1: Outdoor Adventure Gear

Is your rental located near any popular areas for outdoor activities? If so, it might be a good idea to stock up on outdoor adventure gear for your guests. For those who are close to a lake or large body of water (like Lake Tahoe), for instance, providing a few standup paddle boards will wow your guests and ensure that they don’t have to go anywhere else to enjoy the great outdoors. Other ideas include trekking poles or mountain bikes if you’re close to any popular hiking or mountain biking trails. Take advantage of what’s popular in your area and make sure that your guests can get a taste of it while they’re staying with you.

#2: Home Theater

Who doesn’t love coming back to their accommodations after a long day of exploring and settling in for some popcorn and a movie? If you have the space, we highly recommend setting up a home theater. This luxury vacation rental amenity will draw in guests and you can charge a bit more per night if you have this offering. Help your guests create lasting memories at your rental, like with a home movie theater, and they’ll be coming back for years to come.

#3: Game Room

On days when the weather outside is frightful, offering your guests a chance for an indoor activity can pay off big time. That’s why we think it’s a great idea to include a game room or gaming area in your vacation rental if you have the space. Stock this room with a TV, gaming consoles, board games, billiards, foosball, and other indoor entertainment that your guests will fall in love with. Guests with children especially will enjoy your gaming area, because it gives them a bit of time and space to do what they need to do while the kiddos are being entertained.

#4: Rooftop Hot Tub

Does your vacation rental have a balcony area and some amazing views? Think about installing a rooftop or balcony hot tub to help your guests enjoy this area even more. We’ve mentioned hot tubs quite a bit in the past, and that’s because they are one of the most popular vacation rental amenities you can find today, with owners who have them charging a bit more per night for this luxury experience. Make it an even more memorable one by perching your hot tub in a place with great views, and your guests will rave when it comes time to leave you a review.

#5: Library

Is your rental a cozy space that would be welcoming to bibliophiles? One great idea to lure in the travelers who love a charming reading experience is to turn one of your rooms into a library (or even just add some shelving in an empty space with a comfortable chair for guests to read in).

Check out what types of books are popular right now and stock the shelves with goodies that your potential guests will love. If you are looking for some decorating ideas, think about enhancing your library or reading nook with comfortable furniture, reading-related decorations, and an easy place to set a cup of tea or coffee.

#6: Home Gym/Yoga Room

Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you should have to give up your exercise routine! A unique way to enhance your vacation rental experience is to install a home gym or yoga room for guests to use. This can be as simple as clearing a space and rolling out a yoga mat or you can go big and purchase a few options for exercise machines, like a treadmill, elliptical, or stair climber, to really entice fit guests to book with you. When you make it easier for guests to take great care of themselves, they’re much more likely to rebook with you, especially business travelers who are always looking for ways to make their accommodations more welcoming.

#7: Telescope to Scope Out the Stars

Does your vacation rental get some great views of the night sky, with the Milky Way unfolding before your eyes each and every evening? Then it could be a great option to purchase an inexpensive telescope to help your guests see the beauty of the heavens. Set up your telescope in a dedicated outdoor space and provide instructions in your guest manual on how to use it. Once your guests get a taste of gazing at the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, they’ll be sure to come back again for an incredible experience at your rental.


Find Out Even More Ways to Enhance Your Vacation Rental

No matter what your budget for improving your vacation rental experience looks like, there’s always opportunities to up your offering to guests by adding in some of these unique and sought-after amenities. Whether you decide to install a telescope in your backyard or go big with the installation of a home theater, there’s an option for any budget.

Looking for more ways to enhance your vacation rental? Take a look at our guide to luxury amenities for short-term rental owners. Or, if you’re struggling with social media marketing and need a primer, we’ve written a great blog on the subject.


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