5 Tips to Improve Your Vacation Rental's Lighting


How Upping Your Lighting Game Can Improve Your STR Business

Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference, and that couldn’t be more true than when it comes to the lighting in your vacation rental. Anyone who has ever taken a photography course knows the importance of lighting in photos, but its utility doesn’t end there. The lighting in your vacation rental can transform how guests see it, and that’s why it’s essential to take some time to take stock of it and how it can be improved upon.

Today, we’ll be going over five tips that will help you to improve your vacation rental’s lighting, so that guests will have the best view possible when they come to stay. 

#1: Let Natural Light Shine

Even photography experts agree that natural light is the best light, and that’s why you should focus on it when trying to upgrade your vacation rental’s lighting.

Sit back and examine your property–where does the light naturally come from, and where is it being directed to? During different times of day and different times of the year, where does the light naturally fall? Where are the dark spots in your home? If you’ve spent a good amount of time on your property, you may already be aware of your sources for natural light, and now would be a good time to try to direct their focus a bit better. Move through all of the areas of the home and take note of the angles of the windows, then utilize the focal points that natural light creates to craft a blueprint on how to improve your lighting.

When your windows are clean, the light moves through them more naturally. To direct the focus a bit better, install side-hanging curtains that can be pushed out of the way to let more light in. 

#2: Don’t Forget About Dimmers 

Another consideration to keep in mind when improving your lighting is that not everyone has the same standards for lighting as you do. Some people, especially those with sensory issues, can’t stand harsh overhead lighting and LED bulbs. One way to modify your lighting for those with sensitivities is incredibly simple: all you have to do is install dimmer switches.

Even if your guests aren’t dealing with sensory issues, dimmer switches are also great because they allow guests to lower the lighting for evening activities, which can be helpful in winding down for the night. Lower light is more calming, and can often be better for sleep, especially for infants and young children. Regardless of why you install dimmer switches, your guests will more than appreciate them.  

#3: Focus on Fixtures

Do you have any interesting fixtures in your home, such as a chandelier or pendant lamps? Typically, these will be found in the dining room or the kitchen, and they are usually referred to as focal points when it comes to lighting.

A statement piece can not only add some flair to your home, but it can also improve the lighting and make your property stand out from the crowd. If you don’t have a spot for a chandelier or overhead piece like these, a statement floor lamp can also be utilized as a focal point for your lighting as well. Be sure to choose pieces that are interesting to look at and that also spread light evenly throughout the room you’re putting them in. 

#4: Shading is Everything

Do you have lamps placed around your home for easy lighting access? If so, you should take some time to look into your lampshades. While lampshades might not seem like an item of extreme importance, the shading of your lights can have a big impact on how your home looks, and lampshades could be making or breaking the lighting in your property.

Decide in advance what type of lighting you’d like to have. Are you on the hunt for bright, stark, white lights or do you want a warmer, yellower feel to your lighting? Then, once you’ve figured that out, choose lampshades with the right shade to contribute to the overall lighting effect in your property. 

#5: Don’t Forget Outdoor Lights 

Seeing the interior of your home in a new way is a great reason to improve your lighting, but one spot on your property that you should also pay attention to is the outdoor areas. That’s why our final tip for lighting your vacation rental is to upgrade your outdoor lights.

Having a well-lit exterior helps guests in a few ways–first, it allows them to be able to safely navigate outdoors after dark, and second, it can improve the look and feel of your home when you have beautiful outdoor lighting.


Shining a Light on the LocalVR Owner’s Blog

Lighting might seem like a small consideration, but when you improve it, the look and feel of your vacation rental will improve right along with it. By focusing on natural light, installing dimmers, purchasing the right lampshades, and giving some time and attention to your outdoor lighting, you can revamp your entire vacation rental experience for the better.

For those who want to learn more about improving your vacation rental, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the LocalVR Owner’s Blog, where you’ll find helpful guides such as this one for writing guest reviews or our five-step process for choosing the right property for your vacation rental.


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